
Ali Khallad

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 186 total)
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  • in reply to: some files are not allowed? #561
    Ali Khallad

    Awesome, have you updated to the latest version?

    in reply to: some files are not allowed? #559
    Ali Khallad

    Hi, that’s WordPress restriction, please see the response here:

    Upload issues

    in reply to: I don't get the files from the buyers. #544
    Ali Khallad

    The issue is now solved on version: 1.0.3
    Please update to the latest version.

    in reply to: Uploaded image #542
    Ali Khallad

    The issue is now solved on version: 1.0.3
    Please update to the latest version.

    Thanks for reporting this bug.

    in reply to: Uploaded image #540
    Ali Khallad

    Hi, thanks for reaching, the image does not appear, can you please re-upload and state what version you’re using.


    in reply to: I don't get the files from the buyers. #526
    Ali Khallad

    Please, provide more details, give screenshots…etc so we can understand and help with your problem.

    in reply to: Does it work with WooCommerce Page Builder? #519
    Ali Khallad

    I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to achieve exactly, there are no shortcodes for our plugin.
    you can test from here: demo.wpali.com/wp-admin/

    As for the page builder, I haven’t test them together, but I doubt there will be an issue since I saw it was used hand in hand with our plugin on different user websites.

    in reply to: Upload issues #517
    Ali Khallad

    Your wordpress website prevents EPS file, you may want to try opening the wp-config.php file of your WordPress installation and above the line where it says:
    /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    add the following code:
    define('ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS', true);

    Or preferably Add the following to your theme functions.php

    function accept_eps_mimes($mimes = array()) {
    	// Add a key and value for the EPS file type
    	$mimes['eps'] = "application/postscript";
    	return $mimes;
    add_action('upload_mimes', 'accept_eps_mimes');
    in reply to: Order marked as cancelled due to time limit reached #516
    Ali Khallad

    The plugin doesn’t intervene in the checkout process, it just change the layout on product page to display options as you need them.
    I doubt this is caused by the plugin, but feel free to reach to me at support@wpali.com with the full details and login, I’ll be happy to look into it.


    in reply to: Title falling back into previous section. #512
    Ali Khallad

    Thanks, that did the job!

    in reply to: Title falling back into previous section. #511
    Ali Khallad

    Hi, thanks for reaching, that seem to be a theme issue. There is an element that stop items from overlapping titles.
    You might be able to fix this by adding the following to your css:

    .clear {
        clear: both!important;
    .wwobform_variation_wrapper.wwobform_wrapper.left ul.wwobform_fields li.wwobfield {
        clear: both!important;
        float: none;

    If the css above didn’t fix it, please share a link.

    in reply to: Styling #510
    Ali Khallad

    Looks like the theme you’re using override WooCommerce default layout. You need to change the templates to look as you need, you use css to force the element you want into correct positions and display.

    I might be able to help if you send me a link.

    Ali Khallad

    I looked at your site, seems like you are using Avada Theme, Avada changes WooCommerce CSS, so you need to change the form CSS back to:

    .woocommerce div.product form.cart {
        display: block!important;
    in reply to: Conflict with Theme CSS #493
    Ali Khallad

    Fixed on your website, and patched in version 1.0.1
    Thanks of reporting.

    in reply to: Conflict with Theme CSS #492
    Ali Khallad

    Hi, please share login to your website with support email: support@wpali.com
    We will check and get back to you

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 186 total)