
Upload issues

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  • #515
    Ali Khallad

    Hi, we have installed the plugin and selected to accept Adobe image format. When we test to upload .eps files we are getting error, please see attached image.

    It says” This filetype is not allowed based on security reason”.

    Any idea?

    Ali Khallad

    Your wordpress website prevents EPS file, you may want to try opening the wp-config.php file of your WordPress installation and above the line where it says:
    /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    add the following code:
    define('ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS', true);

    Or preferably Add the following to your theme functions.php

    function accept_eps_mimes($mimes = array()) {
    	// Add a key and value for the EPS file type
    	$mimes['eps'] = "application/postscript";
    	return $mimes;
    add_action('upload_mimes', 'accept_eps_mimes');
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